The Five Behaviors™ Facilitation Kit (Everything DiSC®)
(John Wiley & Sons, Inc. - FiveBehaviors)

The Five Behaviors™  Team and Personal Development Facilitation Kits
"We have turned to C. Michael Ferraro many times over the years to facilitate a wide variety of programs that promote individual and team growth. Most recently, we engaged Michael to facilitate the Five Behaviors program, and we were very pleased with the results. Michael was able to draw on his experience facilitating this program with other companies and apply his insights about our company culture to create a customized approach based on our specific needs. We noticed subtle changes in the way team members interacted with each other almost immediately, and over the course of the program we saw real improvement in the overall team dynamic. Our investment in the Five Behaviors program gave us the tools we need to maintain and improve our team interactions which in turn will drive team success and business growth."

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ is a unique learning experience that helps people discover what it takes to become a truly cohesive and productive team. The program materials include flexible facilitation with two options: the One-Day Facilitation Program or Three-Day Facilitation Program.

Based on the work and the book by Patrick Lencioni, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team assessment and accompanying material is designed for an intact team. Before choosing this program, consider the questions: Is the team really a TEAM?

A team is a relatively small number of people (from three to twelve) who meet on a regular basis and are collectively responsible for results. The team members share common goals as well as the rewards and responsibilities for achieving them.

Not every group is a team. For example, a group that appears to be a team might simply be a collection of people who report to the same manager, but who have relatively little interdependence and mutual accountability. If a group does not meet the criteria of a true team, this process is unlikely to produce the results they expect.

Introducing the newest solution from The Five Behaviors™. Personal Development teaches individuals to become better teammates by integrating Patrick Lencioni's model at the organizational level. The goal is to build a foundation of trust that completely redefines teamwork and collaboration.

The fully scripted Facilitator's Guide includes supporting presentation materials and participant handouts. Through the use of experiential activities, video, and discussion, an intact team is lead through the powerful The Five Behaviors model, learning and practicing the behaviors that will make the team more cohesive and improve its performance.

Downloadable Facilitation Kit Included With Your Purchase:

Along with the facilitation materials on the USB device with your purchase, you will also be able to download all the facilitation materials in digital format. Please indicate the email address of the individual who will have access to the download materials.

This program uses EPIC credits.

This program is powered by Everything DiSC® and uses the Everything DiSC® model in the program.

Product Description

For detailed product description, please click here.


We also provide facilitation and consulting services. For more information, please visit our Services page.

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